“Not only life but even essential human traits are being challenged by the dramatic warmongering flanking manoeuvre triggered by the decadent oppressive powers. In order to react in these troubled times, it is worthwhile to start from the beginning. That is, from what is most concretely original and characterizing of our species.”
This is what the International Convention “Logics of good against wars” is proposing. It is organized by the Socialist Humanism Current and La Comune in collaboration with Socialismo Libertario (Spain) and Comuna Socialista (Argentina) in 5 days dedicated to dialoguing together about the primariness of the female gender, human subjectivity, consciousness, culture as well as moral and ethical aptitude. That is, those first anthropological roots which are the foundation of what we are. They are still alive but, over the centuries and all the more now, subject to dehumanizing attacks by the oppressive powers in order to deprave them of their meaning as a positive principle and starting point. Now is the time to deepen and share a vision of women and men based on the recognition of the best qualities to be liberated, of the limits to be accepted and of those to be overcome. The time to seek human pacification as a process of active and daily building, knowing that there will be no genuine peace under the domination of States, all born out of armies and bearers of concentrated violence. It is important to ask one’s self who one wants to be, not only and not so much “what to do,” and to seek and search as protagonists a lived theory towards emancipation together.
The convention – conceived and realized as a laboratory of ideas and life – will take place at the Casa della Cultura, not by chance, the mother house of socialist humanism: a free, independent and self-financed space freed from the heavy norms of patriarchy and a place of daily experimentation of the possibility and benefit of new living-well together among people under the banner of thinking about life and striving to defend and improve it together. It is a communal reality that is lived by and has welcomed many people for more than 20 years. The Casa della Cultura rises within a place (Casa al dono and the surrounding park within the beautiful Vallombrosa natural reserve) that had already hosted artistic passions in the past, a culture of humane welcoming and a sense of beauty: from an artistic coterie animated by Bernard Berenson in the 1940s to a center of hospitality for free thinkers fleeing Nazi-fascism.
The variety of content and the possibility for each participant to find his or her own path of interest characterize the rich programme of the convention, which is divided into mornings – devoted to the introduction of the general theme central to the whole day – and afternoons, which consist of several simultaneous circles of dialogue. In the evening, after dinner, round tables are held to which personalities and organized groups are invited with the aim of exchanging views and of verifying the possibility of forging unity of action alongside immigrant sisters and brothers and against wars. One can also attend the readings as well as the party on Saturday.
Throughout the duration of the convention, it will be possible to purchase books from the extensive and qualitative publishing offerings of the Prospettiva Edizione Bookstore, to visit the stands of the fortnightly La Comune newspaper, and to learn about the publications of Socialismo Libertario (Spain) and of Comuna Socialista (Argentina).
After complex months and months which continue to challenge us, the International Convention “Logics of good against wars” finally represents an opportunity to meet closely, to get to know and recognize each other, to see each other again and relax, to respectfully explore the natural surroundings, to share reflections and moods, and to feel stronger and happier together.
organized by the Socialist Humanism Current and La Comune in collaboration with Socialismo Libertario (Spain) and Comuna socialista (Argentina)

Wednesday, July 20
5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Welcome to the Casa della Cultura
With Sara Rodriguez
General Introduction “As regards to the first human roots”
Coordinated by Dario Renzi, with Antonella Pelillo, Claudia Romanini, Martina Caselli, Renato Scarola
9:30 p.m.
Readings: The ancient against wars
With Mariella Agostino
Thursday, July 21
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.: Introduction “In the past, human affirmations and destructions”
Coordinated by Dario Renzi, with Antonella Savio, Fabio Beltrame, Francesca Vitellozzi, Sara Morace
4:30 p.m. – 7 p.m.: Circles of dialogue
The rule of mothers
Coordinated by Enza Bellantuono, with Sara Andreotti and Paula Duscio
Original communities
Coordinated by Antonella Savio, with Ana Gilly and Annamaria Tosatto
Before consciousness
Coordinated by Chiara Raineri, with Valentina Martorana and Elisabetta Buja
Cultural beginnings
Coordinated by Carla Longobardo, with Mariella Agostino and Giampiero Faraci
Wars establish States
Coordinated by Fabio Beltrame, with Beniamino Vitale and Chiara Mascellani
Philosophies of good, philosophies of war
Coordinated by Maria Giordano, with Alessandra Cucina and Stefania Lo Bianco
9:30 p.m.
Meeting: Brothers and sisters of the world against wars
Coordinated by Gianluca Petruzzo, with Meyer Journo, Catriona Smith, Tobia Valentini
Readings: The modern against wars
With Michela Lardieri
Friday, July 22
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.: Introduction “The Present: biophilic dynamics and world disorder”
Coordinated by Dario Renzi, with Antonella Pelillo, Barbara Spampinato, Mariana Camps, Piero Neri
4:30 p.m. – 7 p.m.: Circles of dialogue
Defending the first gender
Coordinated by Sara Rodriguez, with Caterina Iacomelli and Laura Locci
Enigmas of subjectivities
Coordinated by Antonella Pelillo, with Gianluca Petruzzo and Giovanni Pacini
Becoming aware
Coordinated by Monica Bianchi, with Micol Drago and Elisabetta Bianchi
The triumph and unraveling of cultures
Coordinated by Martina Caselli, with Lorenzo Gori and Michela Lardieri
US implosion
Coordinated by Claudio Guidi, with Barbara Spampinato and Federico Gattolin
Pervasiveness of violence
Coordinated by Silvia Ghidotti, with Rocco Rossetti and Franca Zoroddu
Italy does not repudiate war
Coordinated by Donatella Di Tosto, with Alberto Gusmaroli and Mario Faillaci
Biophilia and the anthropocentrism
Coordinated by Francesca Vitellozzi, with Nino Sottosanti and Francesca La Sala
9:30 p.m.
Round-table discussion: Different voices against wars
Coordinated by Renato Scarola, with Chiara Raineri, Mario Menichetti, Valentina Narciso (La Comune) and Maurizio Acerbo (Rifondazione Comunista), Marco Sirotti (Northeast Social Centers), Alberto Patella (Exodus), Sergio Genini (Vigils against deaths at the Mediterranean Sea), a member of Cobas, and others
Readings: The Forgotten Wars
With Mamadou Ly
Saturday, July 23
10 a.m. – 12:30p.m.: Introduction “Towards the future: human requital or machine domination”
Coordinated by Dario Renzi, with Carla Longobardo, Claudia Romanini, Claudio Olivieri, Simona Cavalca
4:30 p.m. – 7 p.m.: Circles of dialogue
A new alliance (between genders)
Coordinated by Anabel Cubero, with Mariana Camps and Anika Lardies
Communities, relationalities, personalities
Coordinated by Manuela Voto, with Martina Argenziano and Saba Abate
Consciousness and choices
Coordinated by Claudia Romanini, with Chiara Bonafè and Damiano D’Addezio
Towards a cultural foundation
Coordinated by Simona Cavalca, with Tommaso Mariotti and Francesca Raineri
The last empire
Coordinated by Michele Santamaria, with Federica Morese and Lorella Baldeschi
Pacification or pacifist utopias?
Coordinated by Sibilla Caroppo, with Miriam Capobianco and Juan Bolivar
Disoriented childhood
Coordinated by Emy Benvenuti, with Tiziana Frittitta and Luciana Caporaso
Internos or internet?
Coordinated by Jacopo Andreoni, with Simona Persico and Barbara Sciolla
9:30 p.m.
Readings: The current relevance of Rosa Luxemburg
With Claudio Olivieri and Giorgio Salmon
Sunday, July 24
10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.: Conclusions “Conceiving and organizing life differently”
Coordinated by Dario Renzi, with Anabel Cubero, Antonella Pelillo, Chiara Raineri, Claudia Romanini, Claudio Guidi, Manuela Voto, Mariana Camps, Micol Drago, Michele Santamaria, Piero Neri, Sara Morace
Casa de La Comune, via Tasso 144 Roma
Tel 06 4463456 – Ufficio stampa 348 7038885
info@lacomune.org – www.lacomune.org